Our junior and senior high school students have several opportunities to meet together throughout the week. We hope they will learn that the faith Jesus is calling them to is not ours, or their families, or culture’s, it is their own. We encourage them to find ways to figure that out...with some wise direction of course.
Youth Group
Teens love to be together with their friends. We get it, we love to be together too! Each Sunday evening during the school year from 6:00-7:30pm, the teens come to hang out together, sing, learn and figure out how Jesus fits into their lives.
We also take the youth out on special events. It could be a concert, caroling, an all-nighter...we try to be creative! The point is this, we will do what it takes for our youth to know that this is a safe place for them to figure out how Jesus affects every part of their life...not just on Sunday morning.

At Delhi Alliance we have a Sunday School class specifically geared towards our junior and senior high school students. They use this time together with their youth leader to study the Bible together and challenge one another to see how Truth fits their reality.
And we also understand teens...so, they get breakfast!