We love our community. We believe that we are here for a purpose. We are committed to being a part of the life and activity of Delhi and the surrounding communities. From grocery shopping, dinners out at a restaurant, parades, ball games, festivals…whatever it is, we’re in! Our desire is that our life in Christ will be a blessing to our neighbors. And our hope is that they will know His love as we do.
Fellowship Lunch
All are welcome to join us after service on the first Sunday each month for our Fellowship Lunch (around 12:00pm). Keep an eye on our Event page for flyers each month for any changes, cancellations or themes. Lunches are bring-a-dish-to-pass however, all are still welcome even if you do not bring a dish to pass. We would love to see you for Sunday Service at 10:30 but if you're unable to make it, please consider joining us for lunch! We'd love to see you!

Community Space
One of the recent renovations to our church was to the downstairs levels. We are now blessed to have an updated Activity Center, Youth Room, Men's Classroom, Women's Classroom, Children's Classroom and bathroom facilities.
This space at Delhi Alliance Church is available for community use as well! This is a great space for hosting study groups, birthday parties, luncheons, team dinners, wedding showers or meetings. There is access to the kitchen and bathrooms. Our lower levels are handicap accessible with both a chair lift from the sanctuary level and an elevator to access the two lower levels.
If you are interested in using this space, please call us at 607-746-3714 or email for Facility Use Forms & Agreements and details.

American Red Cross Blood Drives
Delhi Alliance is proud to host monthly blood drives for the American Red Cross. Please contact the American Red Cross to schedule your appointment. Promotions run by American Red Cross will be posted on our Online Bulletin Board!
Download the Blood Donor App
Tai Chi
For several years now, our facility has been proud to play host to Tai Chi classes offered though Delaware County Office for the Aging.
To find out more about Tai Chi classes or other services available through the Office for the Aging please call them at 607-832-5750 or visit them at: